Sally-Anne Hunter

Director , Lifetime Consultancy ltd

Passionate about ensuring organisations have the funding they need to make the world a better place, Sally-Anne is a multi-award winning consultant with over 20 years experience in the third sector providing strategic, fundraising and impact consultancy and support. She ensures clients are funder and investor ready, dramatically increasing their chances of successful outcomes and has directly raised over £50M. She is Director of Lifetime Consultancy Ltd through which she has worked with hundreds of clients including Born Free, Citizens Advice, CentreStage, Funny Women, Guide Dogs, Homes for Good, HorseBack UK, The Royal Marines Charity and the Woodland Trust. She has also been the Event Director for fundraising challenge events including The Power Challenge, Caledonian Challenge and the Women's Challenge. She is a Fellow of the RSA and RGS, a Saltire Fellow, Entrepreneurial Spark alumni, member and advisor to the Institute of Fundraising, published author, and a charity Trustee. As founder of Commando Spirit, she abseiled the Shard with the Royal Marines.