Mark Game
CEO , The Bread and Butter Thing
Mark is renowned within food redistribution sectors for practical and impactful ways of unlocking food and getting it to those who need it most. During the twenty years he has been working in the sector he has redistributed over 1 billion meals. Having founded the first social supermarket in the UK in 2013, Mark started to understand the value of food socially, beyond the calories and started to develop a more community led approach and founded The Bread and Butter Thing (TBBT) TBBT is a multi award winning charity that looks to make life more affordable for people by using a community led food club to build resilience, partnering with existing projects and working with service providers to develop wraparound support for the community as a whole. To date, we have 56 hubs across the North of England, over 25,000 registered families and are delivering roughly 250,000 meals a week. All of the food we use is surplus food, intercepted from the food industry and redistributed.
I'm looking for charitable projects that are innovative, which promote best practice, and which comprise elements that can be replicated by other charities.