Positive Futures Liverpool
Transition identifies what are the barriers to school attendance.
Transitions remove those barriers.
Transitions aim to return yp to school AND maintain that place. "The Transitions Pilot has been supporting some of the UK's most vulnerable young people with high levels of complex needs, to return to school. The project has recruited above target numbers. The team has delivered a high-quality and highly differentiated offer to these young people, enabling them to achieve improvements in socioemotional skills, attendance, behaviour, and exclusions. The project has met its overall aim of ensuring 60 young people are in school. The project team has gone beyond their original remit working with more young people than anticipated, in greater need than expected, supporting families as well as young people, and providing a significant contribution to multi-agency working across the City of Liverpool" Professor K Stuart.
Context • The national picture is of young people presenting services with increased levels and complexity of need and services struggling to meet that demand for support. • Locally Liverpool experiences higher than national levels of need particularly in relation poverty & multiple