Time to Pay Up! Campaign

Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF)

In the poorest parts of the world, people are already suffering the devastating ‘losses and damages’ of the climate crisis. Through events such as floods, droughts and storms, communities are being ripped apart and it’s having an unimaginable toll on people’s lives.

At COP26, the Scottish government became the first country to specifically respond to this need and commit funds to ‘Loss and Damage’ (L&D) – but other rich countries did not. SCIAF's ‘Time to Pay Up!’ campaign raised up the voices of SCIAF’s supporters in Scotland. It was hoped the campaign could help lead to the development of a large-scale, international, L&D Fund to support those most in need, led by the UK government. The centrepiece of communications for the campaign was a c.2 min video, aimed at creating awareness of the issue of L&D, provide an emotional response to the issue, awareness of the campaign, and direct more people to take action, signing our petition. The video revealed the human face of L&D through the personal testimony of Agatha, a grandmother living in rural Malawi. The video highlights the injustice of L&D – how Agatha’s life was turned upside down by an issue she did not cause.