The Trussell Trust: Emergency Fund Appeal

GOOD Agency

GOOD launched the Trussell Trust’s first-ever large-scale Emergency Fund Appeal as the charity’s network of food banks faced the threat of the most challenging winter yet. With food banks already giving out an emergency parcel every 13 seconds, the campaign appealed for urgent donations to help keep food banks’ doors open across winter.

For the first time ever, food banks were giving out more food than was being donated. The cost-of-living crisis meant far greater numbers of people were being forced to go without the essentials. More and more people needed emergency food, support and advice, with 320,000 people accessing a food bank for the first time in April-September 2022. The appeal aimed to drive donations to provide crucial support and exceeded all targets exponentially. Driven by striking creative and an urgent crucial ask, the campaign had a huge impact. The total income was 44.1% over target. The cold appeal exceeded its fundraising total by 171% and the warm appeal exceeded target by 95%. Awareness also dramatically increased, the Trussell Trust was the most mentioned charity across UK media in December 2022. Crucially, this meant the Trussell Trust’s network could continue to provide much-needed support over Winter and into Spring.