The Bread and Butter Thing

The Bread and Butter Thing

The Bread and Butter Thing has seen astonishing growth over the past year, which has enabled it to support a record number of struggling communities and people. Building bridges out of food deserts, we are passionate about helping people to move out of poverty, to build stronger, more resilient communities and to reduce food waste.

Our innovative, scalable and sustainable surplus food redistribution model unleashes the power of food to ignite long-lasting change in struggling neighbourhoods across the UK. Delivering nutritious and affordable food into the heart of communities starved of money, food and resources, we provide a low-cost weekly shop of essential produce for family eating – fresh fruit and veg, fridge favourites and cupboard staples. It’s the catalyst which: •improves diets, with a diverse variety of healthy produce and products; •strengthens communities, as members gather to manage the distribution of food, building friendships, skills and connections; •helps to diminish loneliness and reduce the stress of stretched finances; •provides access to external partners to offer bespoke and tailored support; •and gives a voice to our members and the key issues that affect them. Every week, we change lives.