Tesco and the Trussell Trust: 10 years of partnership

The Trussell Trust & Tesco

In 2012, the Trussell Trust launched a unique strategic partnership with Tesco, to build stronger communities across the UK. Tesco has continued to be a lifeline of support to the Trussell Trust, meeting the need in local communities, with permanent food collection points in more than 1000 Tesco stores. Tesco have also played a vital role in raising awareness and building empathy for people facing hardship in the UK.

As of 2022, food donations from Tesco customers make up a fifth of donations to our food bank network and customer donations are generously topped-up by a financial donation from Tesco, which helps food banks to provide practical support and advice in their communities. In the last year, Tesco has crucially supported our work during the cost-of-living crisis, contributing £500,000 to our Emergency Winter Appeal and supporting 28 food banks with weekly food deliveries, totalling 300tonnes in stock. December 2022 marked the 10th anniversary of the Tesco Winter Food Collection. Tesco’s support was pivotal in raising awareness of rising levels of need as food bank use rose by 37% nationwide. The 2022 collection generated over 700,000kg of food or 1.6m meals for our network, a 52% increase on the 2021 collection.