SolidariTee Student Volunteer Team


SolidariTee is an entirely volunteer run charity, made up almost solely of students and young people since its very beginning almost five years ago. Currently, the team is made up have more than 250 student volunteers at over 30 universities across the UK and beyond. Collectively, these committed young people are responsible for uniting their local communities, both on campus and at home, in support of fundamental rights for all those forced to flee their homes.

What makes the SolidariTee volunteer team unique is that, unlike most other student societies, collectively our student volunteers combine awareness-raising and campaigning with direct, tangible change. By fundraising through a range of events from conferences to rock climbing events and fashion shows, our students raise funding necessary to provide more than £100,000 in grants to local partner NGOs providing legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers in Greece and neighbouring countries each year. Over the past year in particular, our students have stood against an increasingly hostile rise in anti-refugee rhetoric here in the UK, continuing to advocate for lasting change in the 'refugee crisis' even when the context for displaced people in the Mediterranean has fallen off the political agenda.