Scouts Communications Team

The Scout Association

This has been a landmark year for the Scouts: from supporting the Jubilee, Lying-in-State and Coronation, to helping lead The Big Help Out.

Throughout, our Communications Team has helped show the world how skills for life have helped Scouts contribute to a stronger society. After we lost our Patron, HM The Queen, our Communications Team put Scout volunteers in the public eye for over a week as they looked after the queue. It led to 55 pieces of national broadcast coverage for this alone. This year we also showed how the cost of living crisis impacted Scout groups, helping bring about the Energy Bills Discount Scheme. We’re proud to put young people centre stage, helping them tell their own stories. These included Scouts who journeyed to Florida to witness a satellite launch. We were also proud to show our inclusivity – covering an ‘Iftar under the Stars’ and a camp for Scouts with special needs celebrating its 75th anniversary. We grew our social media engagement by 43%, and reached 1,000 followers on TikTok from a standing start. All this helped grow the Scout movement by 4.6% and attract £6.3 million to help more children join.