Saving Babies' Lives campaign

Twins Trust

Twins Trust supports families with twins and triplets and influences government and the healthcare system on behalf of families with multiples.

The charity has little traditional fundraising infrastructure; previous appeals raised under £15k. Funding has traditionally come from a membership scheme, with families paying for enhanced services. However, rising costs and the cost-of-living crisis created significant financial pressures in Autumn 2022. We ran an emergency-style appeal, focused on our work with hospitals, saving babies’ lives. Our close-knit community lent itself to friend-get-friend fundraising and we believed that a compelling proposition could help us raise much-needed funds whilst reaching more families. This proved correct: our 36-hour appeal raised over four times more than the charity’s previous largest appeal. There were three drivers to our success: 1.Using existing relationships to secure campaign ambassadors. Through exceptional one-to-one relationship-building with fundraisers, we secured 261 ambassadors, well over our 100 target. This led to an astonishing 1,231 donations, way above the average number for previous appeals (270). 2.Emotive, universally resonant content. We created two heart-wrenching films, a first for the charity. 3.Corporate matching. We secured £15,000 sponsorship from corporates to match the first £15,000 of donations, another first for Twins Trust.