Sarcoma UK

Sarcoma UK's small fundraising team has had an amazing year. In the past nine years they have grown the charity's income between five and fifteen percent every year. Last year their income target was £2.1m, up from £1.86m in the year before.

They developed a robust Fundraising Roadmap identifying areas for growth and new income streams. They focussed on improving the experiences of their supporters, demonstrating the impact of donations, bringing new fundraisers into the charity and introducing a handful of 'friendraiser' events. The results were immediate and transformative. They raised over £2.7m for Sarcoma UK, up 45% on the year before and a considerable increase against their budget.

Not only did all of their existing income streams grow but they also established new streams such as legacies and special events which will stand the charity in good stead for the future. Most rewardingly they both re-engaged with lapsed donors and brought new supporters into the charity.