Read Between the Lines

Help for Heroes

Said: “Sorry I’ve not been out recently”

Meant: “I can’t face the world anymore” Said: “I’m a bit down but I’ll soldier on” Meant: “I’ve had it mate. I’m done” Said: “Maybe catch up soon” Meant: “Everyone would be better off without me” One in three veterans have felt suicidal in their lifetime. Research shows that veterans are less likely to ask for help if they’re having suicidal thoughts compared to the general public. Could you read between the lines? We believe that one life taken by suicide is one too many. That’s why we’re on a mission to create suicide-safer communities where veterans and their families get the support they need. Read Between the Lines is a powerful campaign offering free online Suicide Awareness Training developed in partnership with Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA). It teaches people how to spot the signs that someone might be feeling suicidal. It also develops the confidence and tools for them to start a conversation and signpost those they’re concerned about to the right support. To date 4,242 people have taken our training with the campaign reaching a total of eight national broadcasters, 150 regional press articles and 30 regional radio stations.