Fundraising and Partnerships Team

National Energy Action

National Energy Action is the leading fuel poverty charity, supporting people in need across England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are struggling to stay warm and safe at home.

We work tirelessly to ensure that no one has to suffer in a cold home or make the heart-breaking decision between heating and eating. We do this by: •Providing life-changing advice and crisis support to vulnerable households to help them save money, improve energy efficiency, and access vital benefits and rebates. •Campaigning and advocating on behalf of fuel poor households so their needs are at the heart of policy decisions. •Spearheading key research and sharing insights with partners and policymakers to affect change. •Training frontline workers to improve the reach and standards of energy advice. This year, the energy crisis has meant our services have been more in demand. In order to face the challenges and continue to support as many people as we can, our Business and Partnerships team have worked to build on the success of existing income generation activities and diversify income streams and opportunities with unrestricted income. This has resulted in the team significantly increasing unrestricted income and creating lasting opportunities for support.