Miscarriage Matters campaign


“When we lost our third baby, as heartbroken as I was, it was almost a relief that something would get done.” Julie

1 in 5 women experience the heartbreak of miscarriage. This figure is conservative. The UK doesn’t officially count miscarriages. To qualify for care and support, a woman must go through 3 miscarriages in a row. 3 miscarriages in a row before any tests or treatment are offered. Tommy’s knew it was our responsibility to change this and transform miscarriage care. In a culmination of 5 years of research by Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research, The Lancet published a world-first miscarriage research series in April 2021. Using this groundbreaking moment as a catalyst to create change, we launched our ‘Miscarriage Matters’ campaign in March 2021. Our goal was to hold the government to account over the poor miscarriage care in the UK and change the ‘rule of 3’. We wanted to secure a government commitment to count and record losses to begin to set prevention targets. We achieved all these aims. Tommy's Miscarriage Matters campaign put miscarriage on the government’s agenda for the first time. It has transformed care for thousands of families and is saving babies’ lives.