Michael McAllister

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans

We are nominating Michael McCallister for the role of Volunteer of the Year, a member of the team at Sight Scotland Veterans who provides art lessons for veterans with sight loss. The Hawkhead centre in Paisley is one of our day centres, along with Linburn in West Lothian, where veterans can go to gain new skills and take part in social activities. Michael ensures veterans who would not otherwise participate in art can get involved, doing this by using techniques he has adopted through his own experience living with sight loss. He listens to each veteran and helps the individual to reach the goal they wish to achieve through creating art. The impact which Michael has had on the veterans we support has been immense; art has helped so many of them with their mental well-being and relaxation. For many, it has brought a new lease of creativity and enjoyment to their lives. We are incredibly grateful to Michael for going above and beyond to enrich the lives of veterans with visual impairment through art, and strongly believe he deserves the award of Volunteer of the Year.