Medialab Group & National Trust: Bringing a Much-Needed Dose of Autumnal Joy to Thousands of Families

Medialab and National Trust

The National Trust’s commitment is to make the places in their care ‘for everyone, for ever’. For Autumn 2022, that meant navigating the cost-of living crisis and helping some of those under the greatest pressure enjoy the beauty of nature.

This campaign did something unique in the Trust’s history, they gave away 1m free passes, making it affordable for families to relish the beauty of Autumn and enhance their overall wellbeing. The goals were clear: 1. Invite escape to Autumn by reaching over 60% of our audience. 2. Drive visits from over 300,000 people to experience Autumn at a National Trust property. 3. Encourage 10,000 shares of the UGC hashtag #everyoneneedsnature Our campaign had three stages: Inviting Escape – Urban OOH juxtaposed with the beauty of Autumn creative, radio, podcasts reads (including Ferne Cotton) and social. Driving Engagement – geo-targeted display and optimised social and PPC to drive pass downloads. Encouraging shares– Twitter takeover, harnessing the backlash to a government fracking u-turn The results exceeded the client’s goals and, helped a huge number of young families experience nature at the toughest of time: 67% audience reach Over 1m free passes downloaded driving 100,000s of incremental visitors to the Trust 15,000 hashtag shares