Justice and Care

Justice and Care

There are estimated to be 50 million victims of slavery worldwide, more than 100,000 in the UK alone. People like Julia who was brought to the UK and forced to work in brothels, raped multiple times a day.

Justice and Care works to bring freedom to victims of slavery, helps rebuild their lives and to secure justice against those responsible Relatively small, but highly focussed to achieve change at scale, the organisation has enjoyed an outstanding year. It has supported 380 survivors and has supported 369 prosecutions. The charity's advocacy work has led to system change and reviews of law. It has worked with the media to raise awareness of the issue and played a leading role in conveying 16 other charities to run spot the signs of exploitation campaign. It worked with the Guardian on a major podcast series about Julia's story, a remarkable woman who took on her traffickers - with the charity's support - and won. This year it has also picked up major awards - including a Thomson Reuters Stop Slavery Award and, for it's Country Director in Bangladesh, a US State Department honour (global hero in the fight against human trafficking).