Credit Where It's Due

Independent Age

Pension Credit is a vital income top-up for older people who receive a low income. It can be the difference between having the money to live well and not, and is particularly important in a cost-of-living crisis.

Unfortunately, its a benefit with an incredibly low uptake - meaning that billions of pounds is left unclaimed each year, with hundreds of thousands of households missing out on money they're entitled to. We've heard from older people that simply don't know this entitlement exists, and has left them living on the brink - unable to heat their homes, eat a healthy diet or go out to see friends and family. Independent Age has worked since 2019 to ensure everyone who is entitled to Pension Credit receives it, but the unique pressures of a cost-of-living crisis has given this work a greater urgency. Our work, influencing the Government through our campaigning, and getting information about this top-up to older people, has contributed to the roll-out of cost-of-living support pay for all pensioners. It also helped to ensure over 67,000 older people started to receive Pension Credit between May and November 2022.