Communications Team


The small and mighty six women strong, communications team at Refuge, work tirelessly to raise awareness of domestic abuse (DA) and violence against women and girls (VAWG), in the hope that increased understanding and attention of the topic will create a safer society for women and girls. Over the last year, the team have secured a media partnership with The Independent, as well as support from many celebrities, such as Alex Scott MBE. This support has come as a result of the team working hard to publicise Refuge, and the campaigns it is working on, through impactful stunts such as placing 1,071 rotten apples outside New Scotland Yard. While the team faces challenges, such as fast-paced and unpredictable news cycles, we continue to achieve. The hard work of this team has led the CEO of Refuge, Ruth Davison, to have the largest share of voice within VAWG media, overtaking much bigger competitor organisations. The communications team at Refuge never shy away from challenging misogyny and our commitment to ending VAWG, as our everyday work demonstrates.