Cat Barton

Chester Zoo

Palm oil is a £50 billion industry and is estimated to be found in half of packaged supermarket goods, including sweets, cleaning products, make-up and pet food. Unsustainable means of growing and processing palm oil has resulted in widespread devastation and biodiversity loss, particularly across South East Asia.

Facing a biodiversity crisis, now more than ever, it’s crucial that we take a stand against the use of unsustainable palm oil and stop it from contributing to the loss of species. Certified sustainable palm oil can help fulfil increasing global food demand, support affordable food prices and reduce poverty, while preventing further damage to wildlife and habitats. Chester Zoo's Cat Barton is leading efforts to end the damage done by the palm oil industry to rainforest habitats, through encouraging companies to switch their supply chains to products containing only certified sustainable palm oil. From lobbying governments, to making high profile media appearances, to speaking at global conferences, to driving city-wide community-based behaviour campaigns, to empowering consumers to make better informed purchasing choices, she has quickly become established as a global expert on the topic and a leading light in the battle to prevent the extinction of orangutans and countless other species.