Building a Strong and Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene System in Bomet County, Kenya

Dig Deep

We'd like to be recognised for the success and impact of Dig Deep's pilot water, sanitation and hygiene projects in Kenya and involvement in creating the Bomet County Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Masterplan: Roadmap Towards Universal Access 2022-2050.

In 2022, Dig Deep implemented practical immediate solutions and worked with the County Government of Bomet and other local partners to develop a strategic and financial Roadmap to scale these solutions and achieve WASH access for all residents of Bomet County. The plan, the first of its kind, aims for everyone in Bomet to have a clean and reliable source of water within 1km of their house by 2036; an improved sanitation facility on their premises that meet their needs; and a place to wash their hands with soap and water. The plan's creation means that the county government will be better able to invest its existing resources much more effectively; attract additional resources to the county; and will have increased capacity to coordinate and direct external agencies effectively. By transforming the provision of sustainable WASH services, the plan will ultimately improve health, education and livelihoods for 1 million people and accelerate progress to universal access and the achievement of SDG6.