Bringing Communities Together to Improve Mental Wellbeing
Mind, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health), and Inspire
Our partnership is outstanding because of the ambition and collaboration between all four organisations. All of this was delivered in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, with Co-op colleagues continuing to voluntarily support and fundraise for the partnership despite being under immense pressure delivering essential food and funeral services. In 2021, partners: •Raised £4m to improve mental wellbeing, bringing our partnership total to over £7m •Supported 8,000 people to improve their mental wellbeing, delivering over 50 new community services o80% said that their mental wellbeing improved •Started almost 2 million mental health conversations through Time to Talk Day (Feb 2022) •Contributed to Co-op signposting 400,000 people to mental wellbeing support •Supported Co-op’s 70,000 colleagues to normalise workplace conversations about mental wellbeing. Partnering with Co-op has had a positive impact on the charity partners, allowing us to extend our reach, develop new and innovative services, and achieve unprecedented impact.