Bowel Cancer UK's Communications Team

Bowel Cancer UK

The Communications Team at Bowel Cancer UK have excelled in a year of challenge and change.

Our achievements have been outstanding. We've put bowel cancer symptoms in millions of UK households through our #GetOnARoll campaign and engaged hundreds of thousands of people in symptoms of awareness through our best ever Bowel Cancer Awareness Month campaign. But it’s about more than that. It’s about how we’ve worked together. We supported each other and the bowel cancer community when our formidable patron, Dame Deborah James, died. We've put our community and their real-life experiences at the heart of our communications. We’ve grown the Communications Team and adapted our ways of working to meet the needs of a new organisational strategy and a growing organisation. We’ve set (and exceeded) stretching targets across major campaigns, and our communication channels. All this means that, over the course of the last year, we’ve increased public awareness of the symptoms of bowel cancer by 19 percentage points, a significant plank in our organisational strategy, and a step closer to a world where no one dies of bowel cancer.