BoB's Corporate Partnership with Jewson

Band of Builders and Jewson

Band of Builders (BoB) was born in 2016 and has grown to become a registered charity that completes practical projects to help members of the UK construction industry who are battling illness or injury. For each project, volunteers come together to help their fellow tradespeople through renovations or repairs that make a real difference to their lives.

BoB has an active community of nearly 50,000 tradespeople and supporters. In November 2022, it reached the milestone of delivering £1m worth of projects – based on the equivalent cost of labour and materials. The BBC One Show is set to cover a project this summer. The charity also organises the Big Brew, an annual event to raise awareness of the mental health crisis in the construction industry – where the suicide rate is estimated to be as high as two people every day – and has launched a mental health support service. BoB is only able to deliver projects and campaigns because of the supportive and symbiotic partnership it has forged with Jewson – which raises funds, is the largest host of annual Big Brew events and encourages staff to work on local BoB projects.