Beth Slater

East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH)

Beth joined East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) as an HR Administrator in 2019. Since then she has grown immensely within the role and is an outstanding, positive, focused and much-respected colleague.

In the last year, especially, she has been pivotal in transforming the approach to recruitment. This has included a full review of all existing processes and documentation, massively improving the overall experience for both candidates and line managers. Her efforts are certainly bearing fruit, with 133 vacancies filled for the period June 2022 to March 2023. There are other eye-catching recruitment metrics, too. In terms of the average time to hire, there is a 20-day improvement compared to last year. This represents a 13-day improvement against the external benchmark. The average cost per hire has also been significantly reduced year on year and, again, in terms of the external benchmark. These figures are key, especially when it comes to filling vital positions including Nurses, Care Assistants and other Clinical roles. The fact this is now happening more quickly than previously, in such a tough recruitment environment for care, means EACH has more staff to support children in need, therefore having a major impact on so many more families.