Tutors United

In 2013, Tutors United took the innovative approach to partner with a housing association to provide free tuition to young people in their social housing areas. The resulting Tutoring Young Residents (TYR) programme developed this model to enable children from all backgrounds to succeed while promoting better citizenship within communities.

Fast forward to the 2019/20 TYR programme, and Tutors United now works with 10 of the 12 members of the G15, (the board of London's largest housing associations) to provide tuition to 385 pupils aged 8-11 every week across 25 housing estates in London and Cambridge.

Through these partnerships, Tutors United has not only increased the attainment and aspirations of young people on the programme but has also enabled collaboration between its housing association partners to create new opportunities for young people in their social housing areas.

In this past year, the programmes commissioned by members of the G15 have supported families through the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting school closures, preventing pupils from the most vulnerable backgrounds from falling further behind academically. Through this collaboration and in spite of the unprecedented challenge presented, on average these pupils have improved their maths scores by 303% and their writing by 2 sub-levels.